Beautycounter Sample Request — The Curious Coconut
free Beautycounter samples Countercontrol Countermatch Countertime Counterman Countersun

Are you interested in trying a sample of Beautycounter skincare before purchasing?

I am happy to provide complimentary samples to you to try before you buy. But I ask that you only request samples if you are very seriously interested in making a purchase, and that you will be able to try the samples within a few days of receipt, and will stay in close contact with me after trying them out to provide feedback.

If you do not respond to my email or message following up after you submit the form, you will not receive samples.

If you are working with another Consultant and wish to stay with them, please contact them for samples. If you are unhappy with your current Consultant and would like to switch Consultants, I am happy to take care of you, but need to discuss briefly via email before I send samples to you.

I have science-based articles about most of the skincare lines. Please click to read more about each line before filling out the form, so that you don’t lose your progress!

  • Countercontrol (individual items priced $22-$39, 4-step regimen $120) - designed for oily skin with or without acne, and features salicylic acid and rosebay willow. Samples come with an exfoliating cleanser, acne treatment/oil control serum, and a mattifying gel moisturizer

  • Countermatch (individual items priced $32-$56, 5-step regimen $179) - I don’t have an article about this line, but it is an adaptive-moisture line designed to address the moisture barrier of the skin to provide optimal hydration while improving dullness and texture. Considered an age-prevention line, but it does not reverse existing signs of aging. Sample come with a cleansing milk, intense moisture serum, and adaptive moisture lotion (AM).

  • Countertime (individual items priced $49-$89, 5-step regimen $267) - advanced anti-aging line to address fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, dullness, and more. Features the safe retinol alternative bakuchiol and antioxidant protection. Samples come with a cleansing oil, mineral essence, tripeptide serum, and tetrapeptide supreme (PM) cream

  • Counterman (individual items priced $20-$36, 4-step regimens $102-$111 depending on beard vs shave) - designed for male skin's needs (larger pores, oilier skin, etc.) and provides antioxidant protection with stem cell extracts. Samples come with the exfoliating cleanser, shave cream (great for women, too!), and mattyfing gel moisturizer

Please do not fill out this form if you are not seriously interested in making a purchase after sampling.

Note that the packettes are good for 2-3 applications and are only meant to help you determine if you like the texture, smell, feel, etc. of the products.

It takes time to get results from skincare, which is why Beautycounter offers an industry-leading 60 day free return period on purchases. Thank you!

When you are ready to purchase after trying your samples, make sure you use the website and that you see my name, Amanda Torres, and my photo at checkout.