The Curious Coconut / TheCuriousCoconut.com

Black Friday Specials!

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I've compiled a list of Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday specials for Paleo, Real Food, and Natural Health & Wellness products. Check them out! Some of these are from trusted affiliate partners.


Revitalize Your Health This e-course is 20% off through Monday with the code REVITALIZE. I am currently in the process of writing a review of this course by Lydia at Divine Health From the Inside Out. It's got a lot of really helpful information that I wish I had known when I was first starting my journey back to health. Highly recommended! 




49% off: BLACKFRIDAY49

49% off: BLACKFRIDAY49





49% off: BLACKFRIDAY49

49% off: BLACKFRIDAY49

49% off: BLACKFRIDAY49

49% off: BLACKFRIDAY49



30% off: 30OFF

30% off: 30OFF

40% off: BlackFriday2013

40% off: BlackFriday2013

30% off: 30OFF

30% off: 30OFF



The Paleo Survival Guide is 40% off on Friday only with the code BLACKFRIDAY

Broth: Elixir of Life is 40% Friday - Monday at midnight PST with the code BlackFriday2013

Baking with Coconut Flour is 49% off from Thursday at 10PM MST - Monday at midnight MST with the code BLACKFRIDAY49

Beyond Grain & Dairy is 49% off from Thursday at 10PM MST - Monday at midnight MST with the code BLACKFRIDAY49

Everyone Loves Pudding is 49% off from Thursday at 10PM MST - Monday at midnight MST with the code BLACKFRIDAY49

Freezer Cooking Guide (GAPS & grain-free) is 50% off with the code BLACKFRIDAY Thursday - Monday at midnight

30 Days on the GAPS Intro Diet is 50% off with the code BLACKFRIDAY Thursday - Monday at midnight

A Practical Guide to Children's Health is only $5 (normally $17.95) for the first 50 copies sold on Friday! Use the code: HEALTH; goes to 40% off Sat-Mon with the code BLACKFRIDAY

Wholesome Comfort is $3 all day Friday (normally $9.95) with the code HOLIDAYSWC; goes to 40% off Sat-Mon with the code BLACKFRIDAY

Treat Yourself: Real Food Desserts is $3 all day Friday (normally $7.95) with the code HOLIDAYS; goes to 40% off Sat-Mon with the code BLACKFRIDAY

Festive Traditions: A Real Food Guide to the Holidays is $3 all day Friday (normally $7.95) with the code HOLIDAYS; goes to 40% off Sat-Mon with the code BLACKFRIDAY

Real Food Basics is 40% off Fri-Mon with the code BLACKFRIDAY

Against the Grain is 40% off Fri-Mon with the code BLACKFRIDAY

Gluten-Free Pancakes is 30% off with the code 30OFF

Grain-Free Lunchbox is 30% off with the code 30OFF

DIY Organic Beauty Recipes is 50% off with the code BLACKFRIDAY. I bought this one myself last year and I LOVE IT! Tons of super helpful, effective, and easy recipes in here! Highly recommended!

DIY Non-Toxic Cleaning Recipes is 50% off with the code BLACKFRIDAY

Nourished Baby is 50% off with the code BLACKFRIDAY




Grain-Free Meal Plans (GAPS & SCD friendly, gluten- and casein-free) is 50% off with the code BLACKFRIDAY Thursday - Monday at midnight

Holiday Grain-Free Meal Plans (GAPS & SCD friendly, gluten-free and some dairy-free) is 50% off with the code BLACKFRIDAY Thursday - Monday at midnight

Batch Cooking Made Simple offers weekly Paleo meal planning, grocery lists, and step-by-step prep day instructions. If you buy before the end of the day Monday, you get this for $10/month instead of the regular $17/month (forever!)


Vivobarefoot is having a Black Friday special sale, with some styles 50% off. Barefoot running is what led me to the Paleo diet in the first place. I hurt myself running in big cushioned "marshmallow" shoes and also suffered from terrible plantar fasciitis. Switching to barefoot shoes helped me reverse the PF and run injury-free. My husband and I own 7 pairs of their shoes between us! The Lucy was one of the first pairs I ever bought and they are still in great shape 3 years later!

Vibram FiveFingers is also having a Black Friday sale, with some styles 50% off. This was the first pair of barefoot shoes I ever bought. And, again, 3 years later they are still in excellent shape!

Dragon Door is selling Russian kettlebells for 25% off. Use the code BF25 at checkout to get the discount!

I'll keep updating the post if I come across new deals. Happy shopping & saving!

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Disclaimer: The information on this blog is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The content on this blog is not to be considered an alternative for medical advice and the author strongly urges you to discuss any concerns with a qualified medical practitioner. Use of recommendations from this site is at the choice and risk of the reader. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
I expect you, the reader, are making any recipe on this website or in my books at your own risk. I, Amanda Torres and/or The Curious Coconut, am not liable or responsible for adverse reactions to food consumed such as food poisoning and any kind of food-borne disease, misinterpreted recipes, domestic accidents, including but not limited to fires, cuts, bodily injuries, and messes in the kitchen. The recipes presented are intended for use by persons having appropriate technical skill, at their own discretion and risk.
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